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Graphing Points 10270 Views
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If we never put any points on our graphs, they’d really just be grids. Just sayin'.
- 00:04
Graph Points, a la Shmoop. You're a Hollywood talent agent. Your only
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client is Mumford the Moose.
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He hasn't worked since a show called Northern Exposure was canceled in the 90s...
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... but he just landed a photo shoot for a calendar gig.
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Speaking of which, Mumford's contract with the Mag, that's "Moose Actor's Guild," specifies
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which parts of the forest he can be photographed in.
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It also specifies that he be fed a daily diet of only blue M&Ms.
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You have to make sure that Mumford is not in violation of the MAG rules, or he'll never
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work in this forest again. Mumford can only be photographed at these
- 01:02
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3, -2... 2, -3... -4, 3... and -3, -1.
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Take a look at the following four grids and decide if Mumford is complying with his contract.
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Here's the first one, for Mr. July.
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If we look closely, we can see that Mumford's sporting his speedo two spaces to the right
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and three spaces down from the origin, which gives us 2, -3.
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So Mumford is in compliance with this one. Now check out this one, for Mr. October.
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Nope. Mumford is going to have to trick or treat somewhere else...
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He'll need to move one square up to be in compliance with his contract.
- 02:22
Time for Mr. December. It's Mumford Clause! Yep, he's in the right spot. Looks like Mumford's
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on Santa's nice list this year. Last one. It's Mr. February. Mumford the groundhog.
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Will he see his shadow? Nope, he's in the wrong spot again. Does this
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mean six more weeks of winter?
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He'll have to move two spaces down to be in the right area.
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Make sure to pre-order your Mumford the Moose calendar today! All proceeds go toward the
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Home for Retired Moose Actors.
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