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A word to the wise: secret marriages don't work out well in Shakespeare plays. Just ask Othello and Desdemona.
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Othello a la shmoop the names Iago yes like Jafar's parrot
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except with a vastly superior speaking voice. some people say I'm Shakespeare's [parrot with man's head]
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meanest villain, because well of all the bad things I did to precious Othello ,and
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well perhaps they're right but who cares? we all have fun in different ways right?
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Oh fellow was this hotshot Moorish guy who convinced everybody in Venice that
Full Transcript
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he should be a big bad general in our army. maybe it was all those victories he
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won for us blah blah blah blah blah .I could have done the same I mean I didn't
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but I could have .you know a fellow landed on my naughty list when he
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promoted this loser named Cassio to be his lieutenant ,and clearly I would have [Cassio cheers and Othello grins]
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been the better choice but hey at least it gave me an excuse for my favorite
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pastime, knitting. oh and overly complicated plots
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dealing with horrifically bloody revenge. I first enlisted this guy Roderigo, to my
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cause. after all every villain needs a minion. alright well our first stop was
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the powerful senator Brabantio whom we had the pleasure of telling that Othello
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had recently eloped with his beautiful daughter Desdemona.
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well Brabantio took it about as well as most dads would which is to say not well [tabloid with Desdemona pictured on it]
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at all. and we may have fibbed a little saying that othello used witchcraft to
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seduce Desdemona. even if I didn't hate SLO the whole plan would have been worth
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it just to watch the veins pop out of Brabantio's head.
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Brabantio was dead set on poking Othello full of holes but unfortunately for our
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evil plan the Duke took Othello's side. fella went on and on about how he truly [dad growls, Othello explains]
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loved Desdemona, and then Desdemona showed up and got all gooshy about him.
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long story short the Duke believed their disgustingly sweet love story and
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Brabantio heads off but still not before delivering this warning- look to her Moor
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if thou hast eyes to see she has deceived her father and may thee not.
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exactly the wedding blessing Desdemona was hoping for.
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anyway if you ask me the Duke only spared othello because he wanted a
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fellow to command the army in the upcoming battle against the Turks in [Iago grins]
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Cyprus. did I not mention the upcoming battle
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against the Turks in Cyprus? ha my mistake.
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there was an upcoming battle against the Turks in Cyprus, that is until a fellow
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yours truly and every other important character in this tragedy got to Cyprus
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and found out that the Turkish Navy had been lost in a storm. kind of a fishy
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plot there isn't it ?hmm maybe Shakespeare's producer slapped him with
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some budget cuts. in Cyprus I got back on the revenge train. my new scheme was
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great .I would convince Othello that Desdemona was cheating on him with [Iago smiles]
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Cassio. that way all of my enemies would destroy each other while I sat back and
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laughed and appropriately evil laugh. well of course my plan was needlessly
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complicated but that's just my thing. alright first I got Cassio drunk then I
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got Roderigo to get into a fight with Cassio then a fellow took Cassio's new
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job away which sure that's what I was mad about in the first place oh I could
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have stopped there but where's the fun in that ?well next i got Cassio to ask
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Desdemona to ask othello to give Cassio his job back confused yet hmm? well
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meanwhile I planted seeds in a fellow's head that Desdemona was doing the dirty [Iago sets up Desdemona to look like she's cheating]
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with Cassio behind his back. I was like hey bud watch out for anything
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suspicious, like oh I don't know Desdemona trying to convince you to give
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Cassio his job back. yes move right? now all I had to do was get my wife Emilia
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to steal a special handkerchief that a fellow had given to Desdemona as gift.
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all I had to do was plant the handkerchief in Cassio's room and lead a
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fellow there to find it, and voila that Plus Desdemona is inevitable pleading
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for Cassio and some ingenious manipulations on my part convinced
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othello his wife was cheating on him. Othello decided the only thing to do was
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kill Desdemona, totally normal reaction not over-the-top at all . I suggested he
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strangle her. what can I say I like to be helpful? meanwhile I convinced
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Roderigo to go kill Cassio but he ended up bundling the whole thing, so I had to [Roderigo with a sword]
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kill him and blame it on his girlfriend it's hard to keep a good help you know.
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at least Othello came through in smothered Desdemona to death, I didn't
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have long to enjoy that though because my dumb wife Emilia sold me out and told
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everybody what I'd done. well I stabbed her for foiling my
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perfect plot but it didn't do me much good. finally realizing what had gone
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down othello stabbed me and then killed himself.
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blood was everywhere of course .it wouldn't be a Shakespearean tragedy if
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it didn't end with somebody having to buy a new rug. and that's the end of this
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tragic tale -what's the take away here? easy never get married. [blood in a fancy hall]
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