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Parallel Structure 16056 Views
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This video defines parallel structure and analyzes what makes it powerful (spoiler alert: sticking to a consistent part of speech, like infinitives, gerunds, or adverbs). How do you spot parallel structure and how do you fix it if something’s not quite right?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in parallel structure allah shmoop we
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like to think that without his classic example of parallel
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structure i came i saw i conquered caesar couldn't have
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conquered more than a stretch of land underneath his big
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toe Caesar obviously spent hours with a grammar textbook because
Full Transcript
- 00:20
he apparently knew that parallel structure is powerful It forms
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a list of ideas like coming seeing and conquering Usually
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it will tie them together with yours anzor comments It
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creates a pattern for the reader to follow so that
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the ideas are easier to get and remember Basically it
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just makes stuff sound awesome which is important when ruling
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an empire or writing in english paper The number one
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rule of parallelism is picking apart of speech for your
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list and sticking to it Verbs now nhs adjectives adverbs
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whatever Just don't change it up in the middle of
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your list For example patrick ruined the school production of
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julius caesar by saying his line incorrectly fainting into brutus
- 01:03
is arms and his inability to spit out another word
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That sentence starts off with two verbs saying in fainting
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and then ends on the noun inability a verb a
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verb and then suddenly a noun No that kind of
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thing will lose an audience faster than anyone can say
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candy crush saga is a great game anyway since not
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all parts of speech translate perfectly into other parts of
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speech Some tweaking might be needed to fix the broken
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parallelism but it'll sound much better like this Patrick ruined
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the school production of julius caesar by saying his line
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wrong fainting into brutus is arms and blanking on the
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rest of the script There are two things that make
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parallelism easy to spot and fix if something is out
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of whack First as we've already seen every item on
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the list must be the same part of speech Second
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there's usually a suffolk sora helper word that appears in
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every item on the list like in our sentence about
- 01:59
patrick all of the verbs ending in ing so let's
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check out the three common types of parallelism they'll have
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a suffolk sor helper word and they're all the same
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part of speech First is infinitives the two blank form
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of verbs like the drama teacher started to cry to
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scramble for the script and to put on a toga
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Himself you can take those extra too is out and
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still have parallelism to cry Scramble for the script and
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put on a toga But make sure that if you
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stick them back in it still makes sense like there's
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No such thing as too putting on a toga Then
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there's jared parallelism jarod is just the i n g
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form of the verb which is used as a noun
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For example patrick's mom likes baking cookies leading the p
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t a and pressuring her son into live theater Why
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would she do that way Don't know she's Not a
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good mother anyway Sometimes when infinitive tries to sneak in
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make sure you keep those guys out of there And
- 02:58
finally there's adverb parallelism those words that end in l
- 03:02
y that are used to describe verb patrick's Grand parents
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had bad hearing so they kept watching proudly devotedly and
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lovingly If there's no elliot the end like if they
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were watching proudly devotedly end with love Then there's no
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parallelism keep things parallel with nice orderly lists same part
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of speech same suffolk's or help her word And maybe
- 03:26
you two can conquer millions without threatening pillaging and murdering
- 03:30
And all that stuff Plus these days they have penicillin 00:03:34.578 --> [endTime] which helps
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