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Slope-Intercept Form 20453 Views
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This video explains how to use slope-intercept form to graph a line or find an x value when you know the y value and the slope. Just remember rise over run. To some people, y=mx+b is just a formula, but not to you after watching this video.
- 00:00
Slope Intercept Form, a la Shmoop. You work for the Mount Olympus Dept. of Eternal
- 00:10
- 00:13
You need to design a torture device to Zeus' specifications...
- 00:17
... but all he's given you is a cryptic note that says "y equals three x plus four."
- 00:23
What in Hades does that mean?
Full Transcript
- 00:26
You better figure this problem out fast, or you'll be up the river Styx without a paddle.
- 00:40
Praise Olympus. We're here to help.
- 00:42
Does the equation look familiar? It's written in slope-intercept form.
- 00:47
m is the slope of the line...
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and b is the y-intercept...
- 00:51
Great, but what does that mean? Since we are given a point of the line, and
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the slope...
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... we can find an infinite number of other points on the line and connect them.
- 01:09
Remember that slope (m) is equal to the change in y divided by the change in x.
- 01:19
Slope = "rise over run." The slope-intercept form of a line is written
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out as y equals mx + b How do we graph this to Zeus' specifications?
- 01:37
Let's examine how to graph one of these equations: y = 3x + 4.
- 01:42
We know that the number in front of x is the slope, three, and that 4 is the y-intercept.
- 01:52
Well get this done before Cerberus intercepts you for dinner.
- 01:59
Start by plotting the y-intercept, which is four.
- 02:02
You'll put a dot at four on the y-axis, which is the vertical one.
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Next, since we know that the slope is three, also known as three over one...
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...we know that another point will be three up and one over... in the positive direction
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of course...
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Here's how you would graph this point on your scroll.
- 02:19
Finally, connect these points. It's like connect-the-dots, torture edition.
- 02:26
There you have it.
- 02:27
If you think this problem was torture, just be glad you're not pushing a boulder up that
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slope for all eternity.
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