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Stop Worrying and Love the Book 1670 Views
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Books are meant to be enjoyed. Sure, authors have different motives for their works—some may want to start a revolution while others hope to deliver a good beach read. However, the point is that you should keep an open mind, no matter what those Amazon reviews say.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Stop worrying and love the book
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Lala shmoop it's two days into school year and zach
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is already freaking out about his english class tomtom tuong
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dozens of upperclassmen have told him that one of the
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books will be required to read is terrible horrible just
Full Transcript
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really really bad way would be zach a word of
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advice if we may stop worrying and love the book
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ever But what does that mean Well there are all
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kinds of reasons why we might worry about a book
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in advance of or while reading it but we can't
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let worry stop us from reading let's look at the
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reason the prospect of reading a book might scare the
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heck out of us say the book that zach that
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terrified has been assigned to read is gabrielle garcia marquez
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love in the time of cholera Zach being a sophisticated
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soul has read garcia marquez in the past specifically the
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novel one hundred years of solitude that kate is this
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book he hated it so hard as a result he
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doesn't want to read anything else by garcia marquez Something
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feels really wrong about this picture The thing zack doesn't
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realize is that love in the time of cholera and
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one hundred years of solitude are very different books They're
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so different like night and day chalk and cheese part
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of zack would stop wigging out about the fact that
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his last experience with garcia marquez's novel was bad long
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enoughto open love in the time of cholera and start
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reading Well he might find that he loves the book
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the way its hero florentino loves the beautiful for meena
- 01:43
All right what if zach is asked to read charles
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dickens a tale of two cities a novel that every
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person who's ever talked to has declared dull deadly dull
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Well given the book's reputation amongst its peers it makes
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perfect sense that zach would be worried about this particular
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reed However zach is forgetting that everyone is different tastes
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when it just a literature If he would ignore what
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everyone else says about a tale of two cities long
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enough to get into the story while he might discover
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that he really connects with the tragic but so totally
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awesome sydney carton eh he might find that he unlike
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the rest of his high school actually loves the heck
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out of a tale of two cities i have tended
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to city all right so what if zac's english teacher
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tells her class to read interview with the vampire Yes
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this is improbable but maybe the school board consists entirely
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of van rice fans and bam party You never know
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At any rate zach starts reading the book and hey
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he likes it up until the moment he runs headlong
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into the character of claudia the undead brat He finds
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that he despises this chick so much he can't bear
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to continue reading Well this happens with books Sometimes we're
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cruising along perfectly happy and we run into a snag
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or brad it could be a character we don't like
- 02:59
or an over abundance of typos in the tax or
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a plot development that makes no sense even if we
- 03:06
find one or more things That we don't like in
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a book chances are there's also at least one thing
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in the novel we like or maybe even love So
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zach put that hatred for claudia aside she'll be toast
- 03:19
literally All right well there are lots of reasons we
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might be worried about reading a book Maybe we don't
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like the author's other works Maybe the book has really
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terrible reviews on amazon Maybe we've started reading the book
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and there's this one itsy bitsy tiny thing that bugs
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are so much we really wanted just picture book property
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room and call it quits consider that my two weeks
- 03:40
notice Well it doesn't matter what the issue is we've
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got a book to read and the best thing we
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can do is stop freaking out and find atleast one
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thing about the boat that we can enjoy maybe the
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book imparts an important lesson one we've never encountered in
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literature before Thing is we'll never get that novel behind
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us or discover there's something in it worth admiring until
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we put our worries aside and accept the book for
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what it is Zack pull up a comfy chair and
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get a cold beverage you've gotta book peruvian friend And
- 04:08
if you just give it a chance you might find
- 04:09
that you love it And it may love you back 00:04:12.155 --> [endTime] on let's Just keep this platonic Never
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