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Hurry, click now on our fantastic video about advertising techniques, and we'll include free jokes. (While supplies last.)
Today we'll be drawing conclusions. And since this is a science video, you can probably conclude that we will not be drawing pictures. Yep, it's th...
We're raisin the water content of raisins today with osmosis. Spoiler alert: even through they may look like grapes again, they're still going to t...
Today's lesson is on photosynthesis, but it has nothing to do with synthesizing photos. Weird, huh? Instead we'll be talking about the all-importan...
You may not have known this, but animals can move. Yep, just like humans. Don't believe us? Check out this video.
Stomata with you? Oh, you don't know what a stomata is. Well, make like a tree and stay put. We've got you covered.
Got some curiosity stemming from your lack of stem knowledge? Look no further, this video's got you covered.
Today we'll learn about what makes plants photosynthesize faster or slower. Spoiler alert: standing next a tree and shouting "Go, go, go, go!" prob...
If Spiderman could spin these he'd never be hungry again. Today we're learning all about food webs. Which you actually can't eat, by the way...sorr...
When you see the environment, smile and politely offer out your hand. Oh and also never throw garbage on its face. That's not usually considered to...
Take it from us, your life dream to become a meteorite is probably never going to pan out. Bummer, huh? But don't you fret, here are a few other po...
Personally we consider plants some of our closest friends, but there's a whole host of non-companionship reasons to find them important as well.
Tired of studying energy? Well, no worries, we've taken care of all of that studying for you in this handy dandy review video. But that's as far as...
The real first step in the scientific method is to open your eyes...but we figured we could skip forward to actually observing things. You're...
Today's lesson is all about the great plant transporter, played none other than Jason Stath—wait no. Transporters of plant nutrients are the xyle...
Make sure to take notes on this note-taking video. We've got tons of notes about how to take the best notes possible.
No matter how cool a scientastic job may be, it'll always need to come back to data and graphing at some point. But hey, paperwork doesn't have to...
Today we're using the same energy that giver Superman his powers for an even nobler purpose: making s'mores. This video will teach you how to make...
Today we'll learn all about how to use plants to improve your pig's bad breath and—wait nevermind. This is about why plants have certain colors,...
Are you ready? We're finally going to reveal how humans can harness the power of photosynthesis for themselves. Groundbreaking stuff. Check it out...
We guess...maybe you could freeze the water? But it'd still be pretty slippery, and what would you even use the wheels for? Let's check out this video and see what water wheels are.
Today we're going to convert wind into energy. No, it's not a lesson on alchemy. We're not allowed to teach about that anymore. Take a look at the video, though, and we'll tell you about an even better (real) way to do it.
There are good and bad sides to pretty much everything. Except Shmoop. We're never bad. If anyone tells you we are, simply laugh in their face, cover your ears, and scream "Lalala, I don't listen to nonsense!" as you run away. That's what we do. Works every time.
If you're going to set foot inside a science lab, you'd better know all the safety rules. For example, entering the lab with fifty pounds of dynamite strapped to your chest is highly inadvisable.
Did you know that we're basically powering all our cars with dead things? Check out this video to find out how...and to maybe have some creepy dreams...
Burning fossil fuels is so 1890... and that joke is so 1990... Maybe by 2090, we'll have converted to renewable energy.
Sure, your sprite can move around the screen and do flips... but can it play Fur Elise?
Rebuttals are the key to any great argument. We also really just like saying the word "rebuttal..." Rebuttal, rebuttal, rebuttal...
Wanna feel like Victor Frankenstein? Create a sprite, add some animation, and all of a sudden, it's... alive.
We love Default Cat as much as anyone, but he keeps chasing our mouse around the screen and peeing on the save button... We're thinking it's time for a change.
Fossil fuels are great... until, you know, they all go away and the world has no more ozone... but until then, they're great!
Save a dead dinosaur: switch to renewable energy.
Waiting around for more things to die so we can keep harvesting oil seems a little dreary, don't you think?
We'd like to meet the first person to think, "Hey, let's dig up a decomposing dinosaur and use it to power our cars." We'd be willing to bet they were an odd duck.