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Area and Volume Videos
Los cubos de hielo no son ruidosos generalmente...pero tienen un volumen de tipo diferente. Este video te enseñará cómo encontrar el volumen de cada figura cúbica. Incidentalmente, si sus cubos de hielo son ruidosos, ponlos en un vaso de te helado y ya. Eso los derretirá.
Area Videos 26 videos
Okay, so you know the length and width of your cutting board, but how do you find the area? Watch the video and find out. Then you can brag to all...
We feel really bad for these irregular shapes. We can only imagine how they must feel. Perhaps we could recommend a high-fiber diet? That might hel...
Time to learn about the area of a sector. And no, that's not the sector's bedroom with a bumper sticker on the door that reads, "GO AWAY."
Volume Videos 8 videos
The formulas for the volumes of pyramids and cones are strangely similar. Actually, they're exactly the same: just multiply 1/3 by the base area by...
Volume is crucial to our lives. It determines the amount of food we eat, the amount of fluid we drink, and hydraulics, just to to name a few. One o...
ACT Math: Plane Geometry Drill 3, Problem 2. Can you find the volume of this right circular cylinder?