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Well, if this book doesn't make you want to tape over your laptop camera, we don't know what will.
By the end of this video, you will be brainwashed. There's nothing you can do about it; we just wanted to let you know. We like to think we're bigg...
What is Dracula really about? Just Count Dracula? Or is there more to it than vampires? This video addresses some major ideas in Bram Stoker’s cl...
Would would the world be like without books? Ray Bradbury tackles that question—and many more— in Fahrenheit 451. Go ahead; read it on your Kin...
Can you really learn about human nature by removing yourself from the company of other humans? Henry David Thoreau thought it was a possibility and...
Why does Dr. Watson keep appearing in Sherlock Holmes's stories? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
Lisbeth Salander is a tough nut to crack. Hero? Villain? Somewhere in the middle? We're not sure, but we're hesitant to accuse her of
Imagine a world in which all literature was dystopian. Okay, so we may be getting to that point, 1984 and V for Vendetta helped start it all.
The concept of using a Facebook profile as a personal diary began with Sylvia Plath. Sorry, Martha, but we really don't need to know that you had o...
Readers may be already be familiar with Dracula, but what about the mathematician and author, Bram Stoker? And yes, he graduated with a degree in m...
Vlad the Impaler was an appropriately named guy, until he went on tropical vacations. Then, he went by Vlad the Imtanner. For some facts that are a...
Looks, wealth, and a super cool castle to live in… Well...maybe not live in, if you happened to be Dracula. But for the most part, this guy had...
Dracula, Dorian Gray, and Bertha Mason are the cool kids on the block when it comes to Gothic literature. We’re in full favor of them starting a...
Dracula knows how to charm a lady. Maybe it’s his charisma, maybe it’s his looks, maybe it’s his...hypnotism? Yeah, it’s probably the hypno...
Mina must be a wonderful scrapbooker if she was able to put Dracula together using nothing more than letters, journals entries, and newspaper artic...
Jonathan and Mina Harker are the ultimate storytelling couple, and you know what they say: the couple that tells stories together, stays together....
Ready for your quiz on wind turbines and solar cells? For all of you who have been studying up on how to use vegetable oil as an energy source over...
Newspapers… heard of 'em? They’re those things you use to line the inside of your gerbil’s cage. Well, believe it or not, there is actual new...
Ever wonder how all of your iPhones, Kindles, Xboxes, and laptops get their power? No? Well we are going to tell you anyway, sassy pants.
Lucy could easily be on the Bachelorette. Y’know...if the Bachelorette started accepting bloodthirsty undead women. Click on the video to find out what characteristics make Lucy so attractive. Ten bucks says it’s the blood crusted on her chin.
Jonathan Harker’s trip from London to Transylvania probably would’ve been much better had his wifi connection been working. What’s a guy to do without the comforts of Candy Crush Saga? ...Wait, was that not in the book? Huh. Better check out this video to find out more about the Modern Age.