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ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 4. How does the narrator feel about the prediction made at his birth that he would have the ability...
ACT Reading 1.7 Prose Fiction. Why does the old woman mentioned in the passage disapprove of sailing?
ACT Reading 1.8 Prose Fiction. Why does the author spend so much time discussing the anecdote of the old woman?
Prose Fiction Drill 1.10. Which of the following best describes the narrator's attitude toward his father?
ACT Reading 2.3 Prose Fiction. Which of the following best describes the narrator's beliefs about revenge?
ACT Reading 2.6 Prose Fiction. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following would be a reasonable assumption to ma...
ACT Reading 2.10 Prose Fiction. Which of the following words best describes the narrator's behavior in this passage?
ACT Reading 1.8 Social Science Passage. The "mythological hypothesis" in lines 11 and 12 refers to which of the following?
ACT Reading: Social Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. The intended audience for this passage was most likely which of the following?
ACT Reading 2.2 Social Science Passage. Which of the following best describes the positive school of criminal law?
ACT Reading 2.4 Social Science Passage. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the contributions of Beccaria?
ACT Reading 2.6 Social Science Passage. Which of the following best describes the founding principle of the classical school of criminal law?
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. Which of the following is the best explanation of the term "tragedy of thought" in line 58?
ACT Reading 2.3 Humanities Passage. According to the passage, why was Schumann an exception to the other musicians of his time?
ACT Reading 2.10 Humanities Passage. According to the passage, which event precipitated Schumann's death?
ACT Reading 2.3 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following health hazards was under discussion?
ACT Reading 2.3 Social Science Passage. In what context would you expect to see this passage?
ACT Reading 1.8 Humanities Passage. Based on the tone and complexity of the passage, which of the following would be a reasonable assumption t...
ACT Reading 2.8 Humanities Passage. How did Frederick Wieck contribute to Schumann's career?
ACT Reading: Natural Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. Based on the tone and complexity of this passage, in which of the following contexts migh...
ACT Reading 2.5 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following is not a criticism leveled at ATSDR by the Committee on Investigations and Oversight?
ACT Reading 2.10 Natural Science Passage. Based on information found in the passage, which of the following issues might be a case for the ATSDR?
ACT Reading 2.6 Natural Science Passage. The health hazard mentioned in question 2 was, according to this report, a direct result of which of the following?
ACT Reading 2.8 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following groups or individuals is not mentioned or interviewed in this report?
ACT Reading 2.9 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following courses of action does the Committee on Investigations and Oversight seem to advocate in this report?