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That and This as Pronouns 947 Views
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Want even more deets on demonstrative pronouns? Click here to review. Or take a look at our entire grammar section for all the goods.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in this and that ags pronouns
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Allah shmoop fluffy in spot live in the same house
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when their owners at home they're very well behaved Pat's
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We love them But when their owner is away from
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home it's another story this and that get up to
Full Transcript
- 00:21
all sorts of mischief They even go so far as
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to hold four pronouns hostage Yeah Pronouns are words that
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take the place of now They keep us from having
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to repeat the same now over and over and over
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again for exams Say we had the sense fluffy went
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into the bathroom fluffy got the laxatives out of the
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medicine cabinet and poured some into spots Food fluffy is
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a very naughty kitty ho has a sense of humor
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that we can appreciate a little bit All right that
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sends would benefit from being dif luck Let's substitute some
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pronouns Instead fluffy went into the bathroom She got the
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laxatives out of the medicine cabinet and poured some into
- 01:02
spots Food She is a very naughty kitty Now fluffy
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isn't whacking us over the head In every single sentence
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we did there we substituted she for fluffy while we're
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all familiar with pronouns like i you he she there
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are other pronounce we use regularly to like the demonstrative
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pronouns this and that we call these words demonstrative pronouns
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because they point to someone or something specific We use
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the singular pronoun this and the plural pronoun these talk
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about people or things that are near us For example
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we might ask the dueling pet whose ship is this
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or spot my protest These aren't my cyanide laced cat
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treats In our first example the pronoun this refers to
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the noun shiv and our second example the pronoun these
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refer to cyanide laced cat treats We also use this
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and these when we want to introduce someone For example
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fluffy's owner might tell her friend this is my itty
- 02:02
bitty witty kitty fluff gins the friend might reply these
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are my hamsters pork and chop Well perhaps fluffy and
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spot have finally found something they both want so badly
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they'll put aside their differences to get it order Anyway
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we use the singular pronoun that and the plural pronoun
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those to talk about things that are not near us
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for example spot might ask what's that over there and
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take the opportunity to pop fluffy on the head the
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pronoun that could refer to that bug on the wall
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or the dust mote on the floor whatever spots talking
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about he's using that in place of a noun here's
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Another example fluffy might exclaim look at those when referring
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to a group of dogs cavorting outside thus driving spot
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to run into the sliding glass door But in this
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case the pronoun those takes the place of the noun
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dogs the pronoun that can also be used to refer
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back to something someone said or did For example if
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fluffy word a knock a frying pan off the counter
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and onto spots head fluffy's owner might ask why did
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you do that Well the pronoun that refers to fluffy
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is trying to kill the dog or at least render
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him unconscious We do have to be careful not to
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mistake the demonstrative pronouns this and that for demonstrative adjectives
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For example say we have the sentence This cat and
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that dog are enemies will hear this and that aren't
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serving as pronouns but his adjectives the words this describes
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a specific cat fluffy The word that describes us pacific
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Dog that spot If we wanted to ditch the demonstrative
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adjectives in this sense for demonstrative pronouns we would change
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the sentence to read this And that are enemies where
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this takes the place of the now cat And that
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takes place of a noun dog And now that we've
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gone over all of this fluffy and spot can get
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back to their fighting Much the relief of pork in 00:04:00.298 --> [endTime] chop wait
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