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To Kill A Mockingbird 242014 Views
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This video summarizes Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, as told by Scout, the daughter of Atticus, a civil rights attorney in the Deep South. There’s a trial, a school play, and even a couple of deaths—but absolutely no mockingbirds are killed.
- 00:04
To Kill a Mockingbird ala shmoop..... my name's Scout and anybody
- 00:10
who doesn't like what I've got to say gets a fresh knuckle sandwich I don't [Scout punching a sandwich]
- 00:14
know why my dad decided naming something dumb like Jean Louise but it was
- 00:18
probably revenge against whoever named him Atticus he probably didn't pulverize
- 00:23
them like I would though Atticus is more of a peacemaker which is
Full Transcript
- 00:27
great for him but I wish he'd cut me a little slack after all it's not easy to
- 00:32
avoid fights when your dad's a civil rights lawyer in the deep south things
- 00:37
used to be pretty tame around here me and my brother Jim who can be more of a [Scout and Jim walking along the road]
- 00:40
cow patty than a jewel hung out a lot with our runter neighbor dill seriously
- 00:46
doesn't anybody have a normal name in this town? Anyway,
- 00:49
the three of us got up to lots of awesome hijinks we even got some sweet
- 00:54
air rifle so we could shoot birds no mocking birds though apparently they're
- 00:58
the most innocent angels of the bird world we also did some poking around the
- 01:02
Radley place you've heard about the Radley's right they're a pretty weird
- 01:07
family but hands down the weirdest stuff is the gossip about Boo Radley and the
- 01:11
cat eating dad stabbing monster next door he is one [Monster appears]
- 01:16
crazy dude so Jen and Dill and I tried to bug him and get him to hang out with us
- 01:21
you know when I say it aloud it doesn't sound like such a great idea but I liked
- 01:25
going by boos house because there was this magic tree that always had goodies [Scout approaches tree]
- 01:29
in it sticks of gum, loose change and also some soap dolls that look just like
- 01:34
Jim and me yeah I hear how creepy it sounds now it was almost like some unseen
- 01:40
person was watching our every move from the Radley house crazy right yeah good
- 01:46
times until my dad took a case defending Tom
- 01:49
Robinson a negro who was accused of raping a white lady I'm not sure what
- 01:54
that word really means because nobody wants to tell me I really should get a [Scout reading a book]
- 01:58
dictionary but whatever it was everyone got pretty hot and bothered about it
- 02:02
throwing around the n-word and getting all up in my grill the whole
- 02:07
court thing was a huge drag for me and Jem Atticus had to do lots of overtime
- 02:11
and stuff he even went to the jailhouse to catch up on some reading and got a [Atticus appears in jailhouse]
- 02:16
visit from a bunch of dudes that were a few torches and pitchforks away from an
- 02:20
angry mob luckily dad has me to protect him he has got to have backup muscle
- 02:24
right now I just need to convince aunt Alexandra of that she keeps trying to
- 02:29
get me to stop swearing change out of my overalls
- 02:32
whoever heard of a bodyguard in a dress and I can't wear pearls what if they get [Scout wearing a dress and Bruce Lee appears]
- 02:37
all tangled up in my right hook then there was the trial that's when I
- 02:41
realized my dad is a total superhero he was all this white lady was beaten up by
- 02:47
a left-handed guy what do you think about that white lady's left-handed dad
- 02:51
which is pretty smart because Tom couldn't even use his left hand at all
- 02:55
really in fact the whole thing sounded like a pretty bogus story but that [Jury appears in court]
- 02:59
didn't stop the jury from finding Tom guilty and then he got shot trying to
- 03:04
escape from prison...Dill thinks that Boo Radley has the right idea staying locked
- 03:08
away from the world hey who knows maybe he does on the bright side I won the
- 03:14
starring role of Jon Ham in the school play an unexpected bonus of being
- 03:19
giant ham the costume came in handy when a white ladies racist dad tried to stab [Man tries to stab scout]
- 03:24
me Jem ended up with a broken arm too bad he wasn't dressed up like a bowl of
- 03:29
mashed potatoes or something just as I was thinking guess this is how
- 03:32
I'm gonna die as a giant ham Boo Radley saved the day and the bad guy fell on
- 03:37
his own knife like an episode of America's dumbest criminals
- 03:41
now at least, that's the official story you want to know what I think I think boo
- 03:46
killed that guy but Dad and the sheriff wanted to keep him safe from the
- 03:49
paparazzi and knows that old ladies with cakes I mean the guy's spent his whole [Old ladies appear with cakes]
- 03:54
life hiding he's not really ready for social networking so maybe we should
- 03:58
leave Boo alone hes like a mockingbird he didn't really hurt anybody or at
- 04:02
least nobody who didn't deserve it... so in conclusion we shouldn't shoot Boo
- 04:07
Radley with air raffles, more a quandry solved, don't you think?
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