Bell Curve

Bell Curve


In the Blast Zone. Salary: $31,000 

Your failure to master basic workplace safety leads you to stand a little too close to an imploding building. Now you're out of work for a couple of months until that broken arm heals.


Asbestos Warrior. Salary: $40,000 

You did a lot of demolition work in the years before the dangers of asbestos were understood. You haven't noticed any issues so far, but every coughing fit has you on edge.


Right Helmet, Right Time. Salary: $50,000 

You accidentally whack yourself in the head with the pry bar you're using to work loose a stubborn piece of siding. You're a bit dazed, but otherwise unharmed. Maybe wearing that doofy helmet was a good idea today...


Treasure Hunter. Salary: $64,000 

Your manual demolition business is hired to break down a creepy old mansion. One day, while ripping up the floorboards in the parlor, you find a bag full of antique gold coins. You take them home with you, hide them in the toilet tank, and call them your "rainy day fund."


Demolition Artist. Salary: $74,000 

You're an artist with explosives, and your ability to implode a building is unparalleled. Because so few people can do that voodoo that you do so well, you make a name for yourself within the construction industry and are called on to do all of the most difficult demolition jobs.