Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On

If you see a bunch of foreclosure signs popping up, you might be in trouble. (Source)

How many people in this country know how to blow up a building properly? About 6,500 of 'em—that's how many. With so few people in possession of the secrets of demolition, you can bet your career is secure. 

Unless, of course, you suffer an on-the-job accident that leaves you too injured to work, or there's another housing crisis and the construction industry collapses. You know—that old chestnut.

The physical toll that this job takes on your body, and the risks that come with it, can cut your career pretty short. Even if things don't end in disaster for you (which they probably won't), hauling heavy stuff everywhere in a loud, dusty environment will have its effects. After a few decades of dynamite-filled fun, you might find yourself wanting to switch to a safer career. Like accounting.