A Little Less Girl Themes

A Little Less Girl Themes


You can't judge a book by its cover… but that's never stopped mean kids in high school from judging the heck out of everyone. Appearances are a big deal in life and in A Little Less Girl, too. Ja...

Arts and Culture

For Amy in A Little Less Girl, art is a way of life (or it was while she was still alive, anyway). She lives vicariously through her romance novels and paints to express her feelings. Of course, th...

Coming of Age

Not sure if you've heard, but growing up is hard to do. In A Little Less Girl, Jake grows up pretty quickly once Amy dies and everyone in town lays the blame on him. Dani has always been responsibl...


Small towns can be absolutely charming… or super suffocating. It all depends on your perspective. For instance, Amy struggles to fit in in Raynesville, and Jake goes from town favorite to itching...

Guilt and Blame

Blame is a major player in A Little Less Girl. See, the people of Raynesville are faced with a teenage girl's suicide, and to make this hard truth easier to swallow, they desperately try to place t...


Home is where the heart is, right? But what happens when you've never had a home? While most of the characters in A Little Less Girl are born and raised in Raynesville, Dani and her mom have never...


Love is a many splendored thing. Well, it is if you can get it. The characters in A Little Less Girl are pretty darn star-crossed when it comes to love. Amy loves Jake from a distance; Jake loves D...


Death. The one-way ticket home. The big sleep. The final frontier. No matter what you call it, Amy's death is at the center of A Little Less Girl. The characters spend most of their time coming to...