A White Heron Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The young sportsman and his old hostess were sound asleep, but Sylvia's great design kept her broad awake and watching. (2.3)

It looks like little Sylvia has made her decision—but is it the right one? In fact, we can't blame you for suspecting that Sylvia won't be able to go through with it.

Quote #5

Then Sylvia, well satisfied, makes her perilous way down [...] wondering over and over again what the stranger [...] would think when she told him how to find his way straight to the heron's nest. (2.9)

Sylvia has reached her goal and found the white heron. Although she has an intense experience at the top of the tree, she still seems ready to exchange the heron's life for ten bucks.

Quote #6

No, she must keep silence! What is it that suddenly forbids her and makes her dumb? (2.13)

Plot twist alert. In a way, Sylvia isn't really making a choice to save the heron—her conscience has already made the choice for her.