Awe and Amazement Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Nick Fleming tumbled to the floor, close to the opening to the cellar, almost landing on top of Josh, who was standing frozen on the steps, wide-eyed with shock and horror. (2.7)

Bulging eyes? Check. So stunned he can't move? Check. Sounds to us like Josh's reaction to seeing magic for the first time is the very definition of awe and amazement.

Quote #2

The name meant nothing to Sophie, but she watched with a mixture of horror and confusion as the creature—the golem—on the street crawled out of the sun and under the cover of the awning. (3.22)

Sophie knows first hand that you don't just feel awe toward awesome things. Sometimes, horrible stuff, like the disintegration of the golems in sunlight, can leave you just as awestruck.

Quote #3

[Nick Fleming's] long-fingered hands were trembling slightly as he smoothed the pages flat. The twins knelt on the floor on either side of him, staring intently at the pages […] trying to make sense of what they were seeing. "And we're certainly not imagining that," Sophie whispered, tapping the page with her index finger. (4.16)

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: the Book of Abraham the Mage is a Very Important Book (a VIB). Every character who comes into contact with it cannot help but be awed. But of course Sophie is making another interesting point here, too. Sure, awesome stuff happens in our imaginations. But what makes something truly awesome—as in, producing awe—is when it leaps out of our imaginations and into reality.