Transformation Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Once—a long time ago—we were simple people, but then I bought a book, the Book of Abraham the Mage, usually called the Codex. From that moment on, things changed. Perenelle changed. I changed. I became the Alchemyst. (4.42)

Even though Nicholas Flamel seems as though he's been a magician all his life, it's cool to remember that he and his wife were once "simple people" just like Sophie and Josh. Once their lives were touched by magic, though, everything changed, and they underwent one big fat transformation: they became immortal.

Quote #2

But although the twins could see the glow that hovered around each other and their own bodies, they felt no different. There were only the smells in the air—oranges and vanilla ice cream. (14.55)

When Hekate checks the twins' auras for the first time, even though they don't feel any different, Sophie and Josh can see something they were never able to see about themselves before. This is the first hint of their transformation, and foreshadows a time when they not only can see, but feel the change, too.

Quote #3

"Are they really wereboars? I mean, men who change into boars?" Sophie asked. […]

"No, not really," Scatty said. […] "But even amongst the Elder Race, the Torc clans were special. They could transform from beasts to men and back again." (15.49)

Shape-shifting creatures are everywhere in this book; the wereboars are just one of the many we meet. But what is it about magical creatures that makes such shape-shifting so common? Why do so many magical creatures transform?