The Alchemyst Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Michael Scott, the author of The Alchemyst, has written over a hundred books (phew, that's a lot of typing), many under the pen name of Anna Dillon. Oh, and by the way Anna Dillon books have consistently outsold Michael Scott books. That's some serious (sort of) girl power. (Source.)

You can actually visit Nicholas Flamel's house in Paris, on 51 Rue de Montmorency. Go on, you know you want to. Even Michael Scott has been. He stumbled upon the house when he was lost in Paris, et voilà—the Nicholas Flamel series was born. Be sure to check out "Best of the Web" to take a virtual stroll around the neighborhood. (Source.)

Crazy fact ahead: except for the twins Sophie and Josh, all the human characters in the Nicholas Flamel series are based on real people from history, legends, and mythology. Awesome, right? Brush up on your Celtic, Egyptian, and Judeo-Christian mythology on our "Best of the Web" to learn more. (Source.)

Dr. John Dee, the real-life court magician to Elizabeth I in England, signed his secret spy documents with the codename 007—the same codename that Ian Fleming gave James Bond centuries later. Gee, we wonder where he got the idea. (Source.)