Beauty and the Beast Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #4

BELLE: Yes, you will. And you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow.

MAURICE: Hmmmph! 

BELLE: ...and become a world-famous inventor! 

MAURICE: You really believe that? 

BELLE: I always have.

Maurice is trying to become something that he isn't—yet. He thinks of himself as an inventor, but a couple of serious failures have made him question that identity. Belle loves him and tries to support that idea about himself. It's that ability to transform yourself into who you most want to be that Belle probably inherited from him. It's what takes her from oddball bookworm to well-read princess.

Quote #5

LUMIERE: I was trying to be hospitable!

Even as a candelabra, Lumiere can't help but be Lumiere. You could say the same thing about the other servants, who keep their original natures whether they're human or enchanted decor. Contrast that with the Beast, who needs to do a lot of work on himself if he wants to lift the curse.

Quote #6

LUMIERE: Impress her with your rapier wit. 

MRS. POTTS: But be gentle. 

LUMIERE: Shower her with compliments. 

MRS. POTTS: But be sincere.

LUMIERE: And, above all... 

LUMIERE and MRS. POTTS: You must control your temper!

Sadly, the servants still don't get what needs to be done. They're trying to shape the Beast into something he's not in hopes of fooling Belle into falling for him. That's just not going to cut it with a curse like this. The Beast's change has to come from within.