Beauty and the Beast Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #7

BEAST: You…you came back. 

BELLE: Of course, I came back…

If the Beast had been paying more attention, he wouldn't have worried so much about losing Belle. His sacrifice is much more meaningful because he never thought she'd return. He wasn't doing it in order to get something back.

Quote #8

BELLE: If only I'd gotten here sooner! 

BEAST: Maybe it's better this way.

The Beast views himself as a burden and looks at his death as a sacrifice freeing Belle from her feelings for him. Kinda dark, buddy.

Quote #9

BEAST: At least I got to see you one last time.

This appreciative gesture validates his sacrifice for Belle—a little reward to remind him why he let her go and just how much it means to his soul to have done that.