Biogeography True or False

1. Large islands have slower extinction rates than small islands because: -> They have more species on them.
2. High temperatures in the tropics cause: -> Warm air to rise and lose moisture
3. If a species is endemic to a region, it: -> Occurs nowhere else
4. Which of these is not a result of plate tectonics? -> Mountain ranges
5. What was the only explanation for disjunct distributions before the idea of continental drift was accepted? -> Land bridges
6. Based on what you know about species area curves, which state do you think would have the most species? -> Vermont
7. One way a non-swimming animal could reach an oceanic island is by: -> Tubing
8. What is one effect climate change has had on species ranges? -> Plants have more competition within their ranges.
9. In the future, the major grain-producing areas are predicted to: -> Move north
10. Which two major agricultural products only grow in tropical climates? -> Potatoes and tomatoes
