Black Like Me Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Black Like Me.

Identity Quotes

I had expected to see myself disguised, but this was something else. I was imprisoned in the flesh of an utter stranger, an unsympathetic one with whom I felt no kinship. All traces of the John Gri...

Family Quotes

She offered, as her part of the project, her willingness to lead, with our three children, the unsatisfactory family life of a household deprived of husband and father. (2.12)

Lust Quotes

Here sensuality was escape, proof of manhood for people who could prove it no other way. Here at noon, jazz blared from juke boxes and dark holes issued forth the cool odors of beer, wine and flesh...

Religion Quotes

Small gold-lettering on the window of a store caught my attention: Catholic book store. Knowing the Catholic stand on racism, I wondered if this shop might cash a Negro' s check. With some hesitati...

Race Quotes

"Do you suppose they'll treat me as John Howard Griffin, regardless of my color—or will they treat me as some nameless Negro, even though I am still the same man?" I asked. "You're not serious,"...

Hypocrisy Quotes

I read recently where one of them said that equality of education and job opportunity would be an even greater tragedy for us. He said it would quickly prove to us that we can't measure up— disil...

Community Quotes

Under the dim light in the tiny room without windows, I realized I was having my first prolonged contact as a Negro with other Negroes. Its drama lay in its lack of drama, in its quietness, in the...

Contrasting Regions: White South vs. Black South Quotes

At Broussard's I had supper in a superb courtyard under the stars—huîtres variées, green salad, white wine and coffee; the same meal I had there in past years. I saw everything—the lanterns,...