Appearances Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They were dancing [...] in a space between a group of teenage boys in metallic corsets, and a young Asian couple [...], their colored hair extensions tangled together like vines. (1.19)

The partiers at the Pandemonium Club have a very unique sense of fashion. We get the impression Clary and Simon don't dress the same way, giving the Pandemonium Club an otherworldly feel.

Quote #2

[Clary] knew she wasn't beautiful like her mother was. To be beautiful you had to be willowy and tall. (2.50)

Says who?

Quote #3

Two teenage girls sitting on an orange bench seat were giggling together. [...] Clary wondered for a moment if they were laughing at her. (6.38)

Clary's pretty insecure. We have a feeling that if the girls weren't cute, Clary either wouldn't think they were laughing at her, or wouldn't care.