Prejudice Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Who could argue, really, that the Fair Folk do not belong in this world, when they have been here longer than we have?" (5.244)

Unfortunately, the whole we-were-here-first argument doesn't work, especially when confronted with an army of angry people with weapons. Just ask the Native Americans.

Quote #2

"There's no need to be sadistic just because he isn't one of you." (9.82)

Jace might be motivated more by jealousy than by prejudice, but sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two.

Quote #3

"It's only been recently that women have been Shadowhunters along with men. [...] [Isabelle's mom] was afraid that if she [taught Isabelle to cook], Isabelle would be relegated to the kitchen permanently." (9.108)

Who runs the Clave? Don Draper? The struggles within the Clave for women's rights seem to mirror mortal struggles.