Appearances Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"In my day, girls were robust, strapping creatures, not twigs like they are nowadays." (7.62)

However old she is, Madame Dorothea has a healthy view of body image. Clary, on the other hand, desperately longs to be a twig.

Quote #5

"Maybe I'm just a late developer." (7.76)

Here, Clary is talking about her lack of magical sight, but it might help explain her insecurity, too. Maybe she feels awkward in her own body just because she hasn't come into her own yet. She is only 15, after all.

Quote #6

Isabelle was exactly Simon's type—tall, glamourous, and beautiful. Come to think of it, maybe that was everyone's type. (9.46)

Says who part deux.