Prejudice Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I will be ready to risk my life at any time for the Circle, in order to preserve the purity of the bloodlines of Idris, and for the mortal world with whose safety we are charged. (9.138)

The loyalty oath of the Circle of Raziel shows that they think they're actually doing something good for humanity by advocating genocide. That's the same kind of scary stuff that has been seen plenty of times in our dimension, human vs. human.

Quote #5

"You don't hunt [Downworlders] because they aren't exactly demons, but they're not exactly people either." (11.59)

So do half-demons half-humans get treated like demons or humans? It's a tough call for many of our characters, just like it was for Buffy and her boyfriend.

Quote #6

"So they're good enough to let live, good enough to make your food for you, good enough to flirt with—but not really good enough? I mean, not as good as people?" (11.63)

The Shadowhunter view of Downworlders seems to be along the lines of Thomas Jefferson's view of slaves. We'd like to introduce Kaelie, part-fey waitress, to Sally Hemings, President TJ's slave mistress. As these two examples show, prejudice is often rife with hypocrisy.