Clarissa Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But how know I that I have not made my own difficulties?—Is she not a woman?—What redress lies for a perpetrated evil?—Must she not live? (256.25)

Lovelace doesn't often consider the double standard for men and women, but he's definitely starting to figure it out. We'd give him props if he wasn't such a jerk.

Quote #2

I am inexpressible concerned at the fate of this matchless lady! (258.2)

Belford's all about stating the obvious. Lovelace has majorly screwed Clarissa's chances of having a normal life, even though the same actions haven't affected his reputation at all. 

Quote #3

But you seem to be sensible enough of your errors now! So are all giddy girls, when it is too late—and what a crestfallen figure then does their self-willed obstinacy and headstrongness compel them to make! (296.7)

Mrs. Howe really knows how to rub salt in a wound. Notice how she refuses to call Clarissa a woman? Seems like there's a difference between girls and women, as well as between women and men.