Clarissa Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[…]both Mrs. How and Miss, as matters stood, would much rather have excused his visits; but they had more than once apologized that, having not the same reason my papa had to forbid him their house, his rank and fortune entitled him to civility (7.9)

Mr. Solmes is the kind of guy who no one would go near if not for his major moneybags. Fortunately, he doesn't seem to mind being loved for his money—and, fortunately, he's got a lot of it. More of him to love! 

Quote #2

I ask this favor, therefore, for my reputation's sake, that I may be able to hold my head up in the neighborhood, if I live to see an end of the unmerited severities […] (22.22)

Clarissa's a regular Olivia Pope: she knows that in order to manage her own reputation, she needs to look like a respectable lady.

Quote #3

Are these steps necessary to reduce me to a standard so low as to make a fit wife for this man? (32.23)

Basically, Clarissa is way out of Solmes's league. Just look at his letters! Clarissa couldn't possibly marry someone with the literacy of a twelve-year-old discovering the Internet for the first time.