Clarissa Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My present situation is such that I never more wanted the benefit of public prayers (22.22)

Since her family is kind of a mess, Clarissa wants the community that church offers. Finally, a whole bunch of people rooting for her. There's a first time for everything!

Quote #2

Dear creature! how fervent, how amiable, in her devotions!—I have got her to own that she prayed for me!—I hope a prayer from so excellent a mind will not be made in vain (159.2)

It's pretty tough to tell when Lovelace is serious. Does he actually want Clarissa to pray for him? (And if you ask us, she should really be praying for herself.)

Quote #3

[…]but I was answered, that if there was no cause of fear at the playhouse, when there but two playhouses, surely there was less at church, when there were so many churches (198.9)

We like it when Clarissa gets a little sassy! This seems like the equivalent of moral tit for tat: Lovelace does something bad and Clarissa heads straight for the nearest church to punish him for it.