Cloud 9 Themes

Cloud 9 Themes


From the very first lines of Cloud 9, we're smacked over the head with ideas about the family and how families are supposed to behave… at least according to Clive and his old-fashioned beliefs. H...


Power, power, and more power. Everywhere you look in Cloud 9, Churchill is trying to question the types of relationships that create inequality among people. Power inequality is usually the main cu...


We're sure you didn't start reading Cloud 9 without some basic knowledge about sexytimes. But probably nothing is going to prepare you for the free-for-all Churchill dishes out. Sure, things might...


There's more to Cloud 9 than just crazy sex coming (tee hee) from all directions. There are deep bonds formed between people, and that's a beautiful dang thing.Through her exploration of love, Chur...


When Cloud 9 opened in 1979 most audience members probably tended to think of gender as a black and white thing—you're either male or female, case closed. But in this play, Churchill offers up th...


Cloud 9 explores the theme of race mostly in Act 1, which focuses on a white British family living in colonial Africa. As you can probably imagine, there is a little bit of racial tension between t...

Sexuality & Sexual Identity

In Cloud 9, it's tough to separate questions of gender and power from questions of sexuality and sexual identity. The character Lin, for example, tries to defy gender expectations by raising a chil...


Wherever you get rigid social codes about sex, you're bound to get a whole bunch of repression. In this instance, we're using the word "repression " to refer to people hiding their true feelings in...