The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Benjamin hesitated. If she took him for his father's brother, would it be best to enlighten her? He remembered his experience at Yale, so he decided against it. It would be rude to contradict a lady; it would be criminal to mar this exquisite occasion with the grotesque story of his origin. Later, perhaps. So he nodded, smiled, listened, was happy. (1.5.14)

This is the first term that we’ve seen any sort of shame on Benjamin’s part regarding his peculiar circumstances.

Quote #8

Hildegarde regarded him with scorn. She sniffed. "Do you think it's anything to boast about?"

"I'm not boasting," he asserted uncomfortably. She sniffed again. "The idea," she said, and after a moment: "I should think you'd have enough pride to stop it." (1.8.6-7)

Much of the humor of "Benjamin Button" comes from everyone’s insistence that Benjamin stop being peculiar – as if there’s anything he could do about it!