Dark Places Chapter 8 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Ben Day—January 2, 1985 10:18 a.m.

  • On Christmas break, Ben rides to the high school, where he has a job as janitor.
  • For some reason, Ben decides to look in a locker in the gym. The wrestling coach catches him and yells at him. The coach says he's not welcome there.
  • Ben goes to the janitor's closet and screams in anger.
  • Ben calms down and starts mopping the floors, stopping in the fifth-grade classroom to look inside the cubby of a girl named Krissi Cates.
  • Krissi has a crush on Ben, who volunteers in an after-school art class. She wrote him a love poem.
  • One day, in the stairwell, Krissi even kissed him. Ben ran away to the bathroom to, erm, relieve himself. And we don't mean number one or number two.