Compassion & Forgiveness Quotes in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Iran] held up her wrist; on it he made out a small dark bruise. "And I remember thinking how much better we are, how much better off, when we're with Mercer. Despite the pain. Physical pain but spiritually together; I felt everyone else, all over the world, all who had fused at the same time." (15.60)

The rocks in the empathy box are a reminder that empathy has physical consequence despite being an abstract concept. If you cried at the beginning of Up or cringed when that guy was kicked to death during the elevator scene in Drive, then you know empathy can be a very physical sensation indeed. Actually, bring on the rocks; just don't make us watch the beginning of Up again. So sad.

Quote #8

"No, it's that empathy," Irmgard said vigorously. Fists clenched, she roved into the kitchen, up to Isidore. "Isn't it a way of proving that humans can do something we can't do? Because without the Mercer experience we just have your word that you feel this empathy business, this shared, group thing. How's the spider?" (18.59)

The irony of Irmgard's conclusion is lost on her but not us. The very fact that they can torture that poor spider by cutting off its legs proves they lack empathy. Honestly, that's some Macdonald triad behavior right there.

Quote #9

"If you kill them you won't be able to fuse with Mercer again," Isidore said.

"You won't take me up there? Show me which floor? Just tell me the floor. I'll figure out which apartment on the floor it is."

"No," Isidore said. (19.20-22)

Isidore is the poster boy for empathy. His empathic ability is off the charts, and ever after watching the androids torture the spider, he still can't help Rick kill them. Come on, Isidore! Spiders are a crucial link in the food web. What have androids done for you lately?