Ella Enchanted Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I didn't know till she was too sick. We can't stop dying." (4.9)

Mandy's explanation of why she could not save Ella's mother reveals that not even fairies have total power over life and death. Great. What's the good of having a fairy godmother if they can't even keep you alive, right?

Quote #2

Finishing school! … They'd try to rid me of my clumsiness, but they wouldn't be able to. So they'd punish me, and I'd punish them back, and they'd punish me some more. (4.128)

Sometimes power means being able to punish, and sometimes power means being able to resist and push back. Even though Ella's aware of how vulnerable she is to orders, she's determined to resist them even at high cost to herself. Which is pretty powerful in itself. (Just… remember to choose your battles. We don't want anyone getting suspended because of this, Shmoopers.)

Quote #3

Ogres weren't dangerous only because of their size and their cruelty. They knew your secrets just by looking at you, and they used their knowledge. When they wanted to be, they were irresistibly persuasive. (6.55)

The power to persuade someone to do anything you want is pretty awesome. Also pretty dangerous for other people, especially when the wielder of that power is an ogre who enjoys the taste of human flesh.