Ella Enchanted Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And so it went. Hattie issued commands and I retaliated. But there was no balance. Hattie was always ahead. She had the power. She held the whip. (11.39)

Oh, fun. We love being tyrannized over. Sure, Ella can take revenge on Hattie in subtle ways, but if she's powerless to disobey a direct command—and if Hattie realizes that—then she's in pretty big trouble.

Quote #5

I knew I was happy only because I'd been ordered to be, but the happiness was absolute. … I imagined future commands, awful ones, ones that would kill me, and I glowed at the idea of obeying them. (18.28)

What's worse than knowing you're subject to someone else's power? Knowing that you'll enjoy every minute of it. (Or maybe getting eaten by velociraptors.)

Quote #6

I stepped away. "If you speak to me at all today, Hattie," I hissed, "I'll snatch your wig and pass it around to the guests." (20.25)

Blackmail: one of the more effective forms of power. Ella's not normally mean-spirited, but she knows that if she lets Hattie get close enough to utter a command she's finished. So she fights back with what she's got: that Hattie doesn't want anyone to know she's wearing a wig.