Ella Enchanted Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Instead of making me docile, Lucinda's curse made a rebel of me. Or perhaps I was that way naturally. (1.25)

Well, duh. Coerced obedience isn't actually obedience; it's just coercion.

Quote #2

Our hallway was empty. I followed it to the spiral staircase and walked down, remembering the times Mother and I had slid down the bannister. We didn't do it when people were around. "We have to be dignified," she would whisper then, stepping down the stairs in an especially stately way. (1.63-64)

Ah, etiquette. It makes hypocrites of us all. But this passage does raise an interesting question: why do we think it's okay to behave one way when people are watching, and then a totally different way when they're not?

Quote #3

"We don't do big magic. Lucinda's the only one. It's too dangerous." (4.48)

Most fairies abide by the rules Mandy explains (to maintain their anonymity and thus their safety). It's too bad Lucinda is such a rebel—Ella's life would have been way easier if she weren't such a rebel. But would Ella have ended up marrying the prince?