Ella Enchanted Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I admire the daughter, Ella, but she has gone to finishing school, where I fear she will be made less admirable. What do they teach in such places? Sewing and curtsying? It is a great distance to go to learn such paltry tricks. (12.35)

Char doesn't seem to care much about etiquette, despite being royalty. Seems like he knows to look to at people's character rather than at their ability to follow arbitrary rules and make handcrafts.

Quote #8

"Manners Mistress knows your father's opinion about everything. She said he would exile any subject who ate blancmange from a soup bowl." (15.62)

Now, we may have had to look up what blancmange is (we were relieved to find out that it's not communicable), but we would definitely die of shame if we ate it from a soup bowl. It's so important to understand all of these rules in order to avoid making a faux pas, wouldn't you agree?

Quote #9

"I agree. Love shouldn't be dictated." "Nothing should be dictated!" An idiotic remark to a future king, but I was thinking of Lucinda. (21.87-88)

At least Ella and Char seem to be on the same page about how nobody should be ordered or forced to be in love with someone else. Seems like that's an important thing for a married couple to agree upon.