Everneath Chapter 28 Summary

  • In the now: Nikki and Jack kiss, and she forgets all the bad stuff happening in her life. Then Jack goes to find Will and try to convince Meredith to come back to Park City with them.
  • Nikki's dad wins the election, and Cole's band plays at the victory party. Cole begins to feed on people's emotions, and Nikki starts to feel weird because her emotions are still so empty.
  • Nikki tries to get out of the party, but something is pulling her back. She realizes that the band is feeding off her energy. She almost collapses. Yikes.
  • Jack arrives in time to catch her and walk her out—she's convinced that Cole did this to remind her what it'll be like in the Tunnels and get her to change her mind.
  • Jack feeds her some of his emotions to help revive her, even though she protests.