Everneath Theme of Love

In the world of Everneath, love motivates a lot of people to do a lot of things. Nikki is super in-love with Jack while they're going out, which is why his perceived betrayal with his ex tips her over the edge and sends her into Cole's arms as a Forfeit. On the flip side, Jack's love for Nikki caused him to kind of go crazy searching for her when she disappeared, and later, when they reestablish a connection, Jack's love for Nikki is why he takes her place in the Tunnels.

Cole's a bit harder to read when it comes to love: He claims to not feel emotions, but he clearly feels something for Nikki. Add Nikki's love for her family and the role this plays in motivating her to Return to the Surface, and it's clear that there's a whole lot of love floating around this book.

Questions About Love

  1. Do you think Cole actually loves Nikki? Why or why not?
  2. Why does Nikki want to have a second chance to tell her family how much she loves them?
  3. What do you think would happen if Nikki and Jack were more up front about their feelings for each other?
  4. Which emotions help Nikki get through the Feed unscathed?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Love makes the characters in Everneath do weird, unhealthy things.

Nikki's love for Jack and her family is key to her ability to stay human in the face of the temptation to become an Everliving.