Everneath Characters

Meet the Cast

Nikki Beckett (Becks)

Girl Next DoorNikki Beckett—or Becks, as her friends call her—starts out as an average teenager in Park City, Utah. She has a boyfriend she adores and a family she loves but also struggles with...

Jack Caputo

Jack the JockJack is your stereotypical hot football player in a lot of ways. For one thing, he's a total cutie. Even after one hundred years of being fed on, Nikki remembers his face: "a boy with...

Cole Stockton

Hot Antihero Cole is ranked pretty high on the attractiveness scale. He's the lead guitarist for the band the Dead Elvises, which only helps his hotness; plus he has blond hair and dark eyes, and a...

Mary/Meredith Jenkins

Mary shows up as an old lady at the soup kitchen where Nikki volunteers. And when we say old, we mean really old: "Deep wrinkles filled every inch of her face. The skin around her eyes was pinched...

Nikki's Dad (Mayor Beckett)

Nikki's dad seems glad to have his daughter back, but he's also a little awkward about it. He tries to have a talk about expectations with her, such as random "testing" (2.69), a.k.a. drug testing,...

Tommy Beckett

Tommy is Nikki's ten-year-old brother. The poor kid is having a hard time of things, what with his mom dead and his older sister back from a mysterious disappearance. The way Nikki describes it is:...

Jules (Julianna) Taylor

Jules was Nikki's best friend. When Nikki sees her after her Return, she describes Jules as "still beautiful, her round face as cherubic as ever, her long blond hair falling in curling cascades ove...

Maxwell Bones

Maxwell is the second guitarist for the band the Dead Elvises, and he's an Everliving like Cole. He's dating Meredith from Nikki's school—at least, he is before the Feed. He seems pretty reckless...

Will Caputo

Will is Jack's older brother. Before the Feed, Will has a habit of carrying a flask around with him, and then he enlists in the military. He goes off to basic training right as Jack heads off to a...

Lacey Greene

Lacey is a popular cheerleader at Nikki and Jack's school, and one of Jack's exes. She doesn't seem to want to stay an ex, though. Before the Feed, Nikki overhears a conversation between her and so...

Mrs. Jenkins

Mrs. Jenkins is Meredith's mother. When Jack and Nikki visit her, they see her looking fairly serious: "She was business casual, as if she were about to leave for work at a museum. She wore a red s...

Minor Characters

Mrs. StoneMrs. Stone is Nikki and Jack's English teacher at Park City High. She seems to be a pretty engaging teacher, based on how she "spoke animatedly about the role of the hero in mythology" an...