Fear Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All afternoon I knitted that scarf for you. It grew longer and longer. (12.141)

The scarf that never ends is a good symbol for Grandma's fear. She passes it on to Oskar, who uses it to wrap the phone with dad's last message on it.

Quote #8

It had taken us four hours to get to her house. Two of those were because Mr. Black had to convince me to get on the Staten Island Ferry. (13.66)

Again, we see Oskar conquering his fear with a little help from Mr. Black who employs some impeccable (if morbid) logic. He tells Oskar that he'd feel bad if he didn't go, and if he dies, well, he won't feel anything at all.

Quote #9

I don't know if I've ever loved your grandfather. But I've loved not being alone. (16.92-16.93)

Grandma doesn't stay with Grandpa out of love; she stays with him because she's afraid of being alone. Wouldn't it be easier to join a knitting group or Zumba class or something? Do you think many people stay in relationships out of fear?