Fear Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A lot of the time I'd get that feeling like I was in the middle of a huge black ocean, or in deep space, but not in the fascinating way. (3.2)

This is how Oskar tries to describe his panic and fear, about things like bridges, airplanes, and fireworks. He retreats inside himself when he gets scared. What he expresses here isn't a specific phobia, though; it's a general feeling of being lost and disconnected.

Quote #2

It took me three hours and forty-one minutes to walk to Aaron Black, because public transportation makes me panicky. (5.6)

Oskar goes to great lengths to avoid confronting his fears. It may take him a long time to get where he's going, but at least he gets there. But you can see how his fears are controlling his life.

Quote #3

Obviously I'm incredibly panicky about roller coasters, but Abe convinced me to ride one with him. (7.45)

This is when we start noticing that Oskar is facing his fears. Maybe that was part of his Mom's plan, once she started talking to all the Blacks: to get them to help Oskar overcome things he's scared about. It takes engagement with another person to help him face things.