Lucinda (Luce) Price Timeline & Summary


Lucinda (Luce) Price Timeline & Summary

  • Luce shows up at Sword & Cross. She's late, as usual.
  • On the first day of class at her new school, Luce meets Gabbe, Cam, Todd, Arriane, Daniel, and Roland. She makes fast friends with Arriane and decides that Daniel is ridiculously handsome.
  • Daniel flips Luce off and glares at her from across the common.
  • Luce also makes enemies with Molly, who shoves meatloaf into her hair like a true new nemesis.
  • Luce befriends Penn. Penn is a truly valuable friend.
  • The first few days are uneventful enough, with Luce receiving lots of attention from Cam and none from Daniel.
  • Any way Luce could make the opposite happen?
  • Well, not really, because Luce does think that Cam's an okay guy, and she really does love it when she's the center of his attention.
  • Even so, Cam's not Daniel. And Luce is intrigued by Daniel.
  • This pattern continues, with Cam's attention becoming more lavish the more Luce tries to avoid it…and Daniel's becoming more elusive the more she tries to seek it out.
  • Penn proves yet again how indispensible she is when she helps Luce track down all there is to know about Daniel Grigori. Unfortunately, from the size of his file in the school's records, there really isn't much to track down.
  • Luce finds out that Daniel is actually an angel—and that she's been reincarnated every seventeen years: she finds Daniel, falls in love with him, and then immediately dies when they kiss. This is part of some larger plan either to prevent or to bring about the end of the world, with only Daniel, Gabbe, and Arriane fighting on the good side, and with Cam, Roland, and Molly fighting against them.
  • So the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of some teenagers with wings? No pressure there.