Fallen Themes

Fallen Themes


Spoiler alert, folks, but Fallen is about fallen angels.Very novel, we know.If your novel's got fallen angels, then it's gonna have some stuff about religion in it, too. In this case, what we get i...


Fallen is the story of a young man destined to lose the love of his life over and over and over again, every seventeen years. But over the course of the novel, as we see Luce trying to piece togeth...

Memory and Dreams

When you've been alive, in one form or another, for hundreds of years, you're gonna have a lot of memories to sift through. That's certainly the case for Luce and Daniel in Fallen, anyway. As soon...

Southern Charm and Southern Gothic

The surreal, creepy, but kind of romantic campus of Sword & Cross in Fallen is kind of like its own character. Can you imagine this melodramatic, centuries-long romance of the literally damned...

Light and Shadow

Light and shadow, black and white, good and evil: Fallen's all about the mysterious doings of some troubled teenage angels at a Southern reform school. But what's good, and what's bad? Most of the...


Fallen may be about fallen angels—a pretty Judeo-Christian kind of thing—but Lauren Kate turns dogma on its head by giving us a protagonist who just keeps coming back again and again, from one...

Food and Temptation

According the Bible story, the first two people on Earth were Adam and Eve. They lived in paradise in Eden, but things got tricky one day when a suspicious serpent told Eve she should totally eat s...

Loneliness and Friendship

One is the loneliest number, as Fallen's Luce Price knows all too well. Luce's misadventures at Sword & Cross leave her feeling quite alone for much of the book. Sure, she does eventually make...