Fallen Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Religion Quotes

And then the deep groan of something heaving startled them both. Luce gasped as the top of the marble statue teetered over them, like a tree branch swaying in the breeze. For a second, it seemed to...

Loss Quotes

Leaning forward to read the "Prohibited Materials" sign a little more closely, she saw that cell phones, pagers, and all two-way radio devices were strictly forbidden. […] Now she understood this...

Memory and Dreams Quotes

"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle," he murmured sadly, his back still to her. Then he added sadly, "It helps you sleep." (Prologue. 17)

Southern Charm and Southern Gothic Quotes

"That cell block over there is Augustine. It's where we have our so-called Social events on Wednesday nights. And all of our classes," [Arriane] said, pointing to the buildings the color of yellowe...

Light and Shadow Quotes

She took in the deep golden hair and matching tan. His high cheekbones, the dark sunglasses that covered his eyes, the soft shape of his lips. (1.173)

Reincarnation Quotes

"Are you afraid of who you really are, Luce?" "No," Luce said again quickly. It must be so obvious that she was lying. She closed her eyes. All she wanted from Sword & Cross was a fresh start,...

Food and Temptation Quotes

"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle," he murmured sadly, his back still to her. Then he added sadly, "It helps you sleep." (Prologue. 17)

Loneliness and Friendship Quotes

In typical Callie fashion, she'd gone on so long that Luce's crap phone cut the message off four lines in. In a way, Luce was almost relieved. She didn't want to read about how everyone from her ol...