Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

No wizarding household is complete without a copy of Fantastic Beasts, well thumbed by the generations who have riffled its pages in search of the best way to rid the lawn of Horklumps, interpret the mournful cries of the Augurey, or cure their pet Puffskein of drinking out of the toilet. (2.1)

That's what books are for. This pretty much sums up the reason for Fantastic Beasts—it's an excellent source of wisdom and knowledge.

Quote #2

It remains only to answer that question to which we all, in our hearts, know the answer: Why do we continue, as a community and as individuals, to attempt to protect and conceal magical beasts, even those that are savage and untameable? The answer is, of course: to ensure that future generations of witches and wizards enjoy their strange beauty and powers as we have been privileged to do. (7.1)

Ah, yes: why keep around a bunch of creatures who want to kill us? Future knowledge, of course. How will wizards be able to learn stuff in the future if they kill these creatures out of fear. These fantastic beasts all need to be preserved for careful study and future educational efforts. Once again, intellectual endeavors win the day. Huzzah!

Quote #3

I offer this work as a mere introduction to the wealth of fantastic beasts that inhabit our world. Seventy-five species are described in the following pages, but I do not doubt that some time this year yet another will be discovered, necessitating a fifty-third revised edition of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. In the meantime I will merely add that it affords me great pleasure to think that generations of young witches and wizards have grown to a fuller knowledge and understanding of the fantastic beasts I love through the pages of this book. (7.2)

Mr. Scamander is the wisest man in the world because he realizes that he doesn't know a thing. He knows that this book has only scratched the surface of fantastic beasts. There are more out there just waiting to be discovered and he's just itching to put out a 53rd edition packed with even more creature wisdom.