Youth Quotes in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Newt's masterpiece has been an approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ever since its publication and must take a substantial amount of credit for our students' consistently high results in Care of Magical Creatures examinations. (2.1)

Kids love Newt Scamander. Well, as much as they can love any textbook. Dumbledore makes it clear here that many young people have grown up with this book and go on to use it in their homes as adults.

Quote #2

I look back across the years to the seven-year-old wizard who spent hours in his bedroom dismembering Horklumps and I envy him the journeys to come: from darkest jungle to brightest desert, from mountain peak to marshy bog, that grubby Horklump-encrusted boy would track, as he grew up, the beasts described in the following pages. (3.1)

Aww, little Newt Scamander. Here our author reflects on his own youth and how he first became interested in fantastic beasts. Like most adults with a passion for their work, his love for magical creatures started as a child. Still, there's something a little unsettling about him dismembering Horklumps in his bedroom for hours though. Go outside and play, Newt.

Quote #3

In the meantime I will merely add that it affords me great pleasure to think that generations of young witches and wizards have grown to a fuller knowledge and understanding of the fantastic beasts I love through the pages of this book. (7.2)

Sure, Newt wanted to write a comprehensive guide to fantastic beasts, but what really warms his heart is that kids will be reading this and learning about these awesome creatures for the first time in these pages. Hey, we've got to admit, that's pretty magical.