Fathers and Sons Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #4

"Well, what do you think of her?" he asked, skipping obsequiously from right to left of them. "Didn't I tell you she was a remarkable personality? If only we had more women like her! She is, in her own way, a highly moral phenomenon."

"And is that establishment of your dear papa's also a moral phenomenon?" muttered Bazarov, pointing to a vodka-shop which they were passing at that moment. (13.70-71)

Why do you think Sitnikov describes Madame Kukshin as a "highly moral phenomenon"? Why do you think he expected that Bazarov would like her? What about Bazarov makes him predisposed not to like those he is opposed to admire? Does he have any companions he considers at his level? What about Madame Kukshin in particular made him dislike her?

Quote #5

Her nose – like most Russian noses – was a trifle thick and her complexion was not translucently clear; but Arkady decided that he had never yet met such a fascinating woman. The sound of her voice haunted his ears; the very folds of her dress seemed to fall differently – more gracefully and amply than on other women – and her every movement was wonderfully flowing and natural. (14.18)

Arkady's entire perception of Madame Odintsov is colored by the fact that he finds her beautiful. Yet what parts of it seem to be distortions and what parts seem to be true? What is the key thing about Odintsov's appearance that makes Arkady admire her as much as he does?

Quote #6

"There you have him! A comical old chap with a heart of gold," remarked Bazarov as soon as Vassily Ivanych had gone. "Just as queer a fish as your father, only in a different way. Never stops talking." (20.29)

Is Bazarov expressing real admiration for his father here? If so, how is this admiration incongruous with the condescending way that he often treats him? Does he sound more like a son appreciating his father or a father appreciating his son?