Fathers and Sons Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #4

"Nature, too, is trivial, in the sense you give to it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man's the workman in it." (8.48)

What is the difference between viewing nature as a temple and viewing it as a workshop? Which seems to be the more environmental view? Why do you think Bazarov is so opposed to the simple experiences of wonder and awe? Would Nikolai be a better estate manager if he viewed nature as a workshop instead of a temple?

Quote #5

"That poplar-tree," Bazarov remarked, "reminds me of my childhood: it grows on the edge of the pit where the brick kiln used to be, and in those days I firmly believed that the clay-pit and the poplar constituted a special talisman: I never found time hang heavy on my hands when I was near them. I did not understand then that the reason time did not hang heavy was because I was a young boy. Well, now I'm grown up, the talisman no longer works." (21.40)

How is an enchantment with nature linked with childhood? Why do you think Bazarov has lost this enchantment? Does one necessarily lose it as one grows older or is there something peculiar about Bazarov that has made him lose it?

Quote #6

"Look," Arkady suddenly exclaimed, "a withered maple leaf has come off and is fluttering to the ground: its movements are exactly like a butterfly in flight. Isn't it strange that something so mournful and dead should be like a creature so gay and full of life?" (21.105)

A moment later, Bazarov will dismiss Arkady's observation as fancy talk. What might Arkady be indirectly saying about Bazarov here? Why do you think nature expresses this given idea for Arkady? Does the idea seem like it was prompted by nature or that nature just provided a metaphor for it?