Fathers and Sons Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Rosemary Edmonds's translation.

Quote #4

"And as to the times we live in, why should I depend on them? Much better they should depend on me." (6.19)

Bazarov refuses to accept Arkady's argument that Pavel and Nikolai grew up in different times and had a different experience. His retort is clearly the result of personal pride, but in what ways does it seem compatible with truth? In what ways does his pride lead him to falsehood? What is the difference between useful pride in oneself and utter vanity? On what side of the line do you think that Bazarov lies?

Quote #5

"But evidently one cannot succeed without conceit." (10.17)

This is Nikolai's observation after Pavel says that Bazarov is conceited. Do you think it is true? In what ways does Bazarov's conceit allow him to succeed? In what ways do you think that it keeps him from succeeding more than he does?

Quote #6

"It seems the time has come to order our coffins and cross our hands upon our breasts." (10.37)

Why do you think Nikolai is so humble when his brother Pavel is so proud? Why does he seem so resigned to the fact that they have been surpassed by the younger generation? In what ways does his lack of faith in himself distort his perspective?